Monday, December 7, 2009

I got to spend yesterday with my two best friends. Lauren and I both drove out to Dallas to visit Rachael and see Micah for the first time. It was so much fun to see them! It makes me miss them even more though. Chrys and Kim were sweet enough to keep the kids for me so I could actually spend time talking and taking pictures of Micah.

This is one of the sweet pictures I got of Micah-

Winter is definitely here. The high has been in the 30's a couple days and has given me a nice break and time to catch up with work. Here are the kids in their coats today-


Rachael said...

I loved having you here, Hannah! So, glad you got to come and meet Micah : ) Miss you already!

Jamie Thompson said...

Your kids are so precious! Tell Robin congrats for me, its great to see all you girls doing so well!