Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Difference One Year Makes

One year ago today we went in for our biweekly appointment with Dr. Mayberry. He sent us straight to Dr.Tadvick's office even though they weren't open yet. Dr. Tadvick sent us home to grab our suitcase because he said we were checking in to the hospital for the duration. I was not quite 34 weeks, so I thought that we might be there for a while before we had the babies. Turned out not to be so long since they did an emergency c-section the next day! Here is a picture of me one year ago today...I look a little different!

34 weeks (almost)
Get ready for a great one year post tomorrow!

1 comment:

summer said...

W.O.W. That's still amazing to me.

Congrats on making it through the first year! You're such a great Mommy.