Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas and Baby Update

We had a great Christmas. Everyone spent the day at my inlaws opening presents, eating and playing games.

The babies are doing great. We saw Maberry today and they weigh 4 pounds each! They are huge! They are both still breach and their heads are right next to each other like they are talking. We are so glad that they are already so big. The longer they have time to grow the better.


Leah said...

Yea! 4 lbs!!!! They are doing great! Glad you were able to "do" Christmas. Hang in there. I think about you every day. Grow, Babies, Grow!

Kristen said...

What books do you recommend and have you read? Did you find one on breastfeeding twins? I am just curious. I was trying to find a good one on breastfeeding twins.
I hope everything is going great! :)

The Doty's Dish said...

Oh My Goodness...your belly is so cute and big!!! You look great! Merry Christmas...or Happy New Year!

Melody said...

Hey Hannah! You look wonderful :)